• Logus Mobile

    Mobile apps are an important component of modern software and offer the user many advantages when interacting with hospitality management systems.


Logus Mobile

Mobile apps are an important component of modern software and offer the user many advantages when interacting with hospitality management systems.

Manager console
Managing meals
Quick recording of charges
Service requests
Manager console
Hotel and health resort managers get the possibility to view statistics (hotel occupancy, revenues, average performance indicators, etc.) in a mobile app that is accessible by link from any mobile device.
Managing meals
Managing and keeping records of meals served to restaurant visitors has been made much easier by electronic guest lists viewable on any mobile device.
Room service managers can in real time update room status (clean/to be cleaned, etc.) after cleaning and/or inspections via, for example, a tablet.
Quick recording of charges
Minibar charges (and any other services) can be quickly recorded in the guest's account via a tablet or smartphone.
Service requests
Maintenance staff can receive service requests, monitor execution, and update room status via any mobile device.